October Olive harvest
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a super food!

Società agricola La Sovana Snc

Olive trees themselves have been around for many thousands of years, and with a long history dating back to ancient civilizations, olive oil is even considered to be one of the most important Bible foods. Why? Because olive oil benefits are quite extensive. High-quality extra virgin olive oil has well-researched anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants that fight free radicals and numerous heart-healthy macronutrients.

The beneficial effects of a Mediterranean diet on human health and, in particular, on lowering risk of cardiovascular disease, has been mainly attributed to its high content to extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
Many studies focused on olive oil’s cardiovascular benefits, have found that the use of extra virgin olive oil help lower LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides better than lower-fat, higher-carb diets do.

Thanks to powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, extra virgin oil is considered an anti-inflammatory food and cardiovascular protector. It also has vasodilatory effects that contribute to lower atherosclerotic risk, an antimicrobial activity, and has a positive effects on inflammatory markers.

In addition to several studies confirming the above effects, current research on beneficial effect of EVOO, and in particular in conjunction with Mediterranean style diets, is being focused on defining its effects on coagulation, platelet aggregation, fibrinolysis, endothelial function or lipids or on the modulation of the conditions which predispose people to cardiovascular events, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is in fact an anti-aging food, rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants that fight the formation of free radicals. Once digestion begins, on the other hand, it reduces the secretion of gastric acids and therefore the danger of ulcers.

The Food and Drug Administration, the strict government agency that monitors the regulation of food and pharmaceutical products, has revised the definition of Extra Virgin Olive oil. It does so well in preventing and combating a series of diseases that it must be considered as a drug.
However, it must be taken and kept according to precise rules. The definition of extra virgin olive oil now is a” health food with medicine”. The FDA claim establishes that it is sufficient to ingest each day (and within a maximum of 12/18 months from the date of bottling of the product), 2 tablespoons (23 grams) of extra virgin olive oil to guarantee the positive effects of this amazing super food

So, what are you waiting for? Add Extra virgin olive oil to your diet. A good quality of EVOO oil, certified and with excellent characteristics ... like the extra virgin olive oil from La Sovana!

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